Zion Christian Mission Center
Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.

Intro Course
Basics of the Bible
Students are led through a series of foundational lessons on the basics of the Bible to open their minds and motivate them toward a deeper study of God's word.

Course 2
The Secrets of Heaven
Believers should understand the symbolic language of the Bible—the secrets of Heaven—to help them recognize and help build God's kingdom on earth as in heaven (Mt 13:10-11, Mt 6:10).

Course 3
Journey Through the Bible
God is a God who prophesies and fulfills (Am 3:7, Is 14:24). Understanding how God has worked in the past helps us understand how God is working now.

Course 4
Revelation's Fulfillment
Revelation is the primary book of prophecies in the New Testament and represents the completion of all of God's work.
Exams and Graduation
At Zion Christian Mission Center, we believe the Bible is not just a book that is meant to grace our bookshelves or an accessory to carry around. Rather, we believe God wants His people to write His words in our hearts and minds (Dt 6:5-6, Heb 8:10-12). At the end of our intensive Bible-based study program, our students are encouraged to take a final graduation examination of roughly 300 questions covering the entirety of the program.
Those who complete the Zion Christian Mission Center Bible study program are allowed to register as official members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Each graduation ceremony is a celebration as these first fruits who sealed God’s word in their hearts and minds (Rv 14:1-5, Jas 1:18) are welcomed into the kingdom where they can join together in giving glory to God and Jesus. Graduating students wear a graduation gown embroidered with the Shincheonji logo—representing the holy city New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven (Rv 21). They also wear graduation caps with an open book logo indicating how the students have been sealed with the revealed word.